When does a Boy become a Man? (Reflection from Youth Camp)

You became a man if you have taste Drugs, Sex & Alcohol.
Real man is Tough. Real man has Women.
Those are just normal for guys. Boys will be boys, right?


You became a Man not when you start having sex with girls but it starts when you value their Purity.
You became a Man not when you battered women but when you protect & provide for them
God design man not to be to tormentors but to be mentors.
We are design not based on what we consume but what we produce.

Our generation has emasculated manhood and taken the real meaning of it out of the picture. Our generation defines “Manhood” today to be drunkards, womanizers, losers and incapable of being responsible. Our culture has redefine it, degraded it and destroyed it and yet many of us are shocked why we have high teenage pregnancy, addictions & abortions.

It only shows that boys aren’t sure what it means to be a man because the people (ex. Father) who should be leading and guiding them aren’t available.

                                     Lloyd leading the Teens Boys during the Youth Camp 2018

The absence of Guidance from Fathers has created vacuum in a boy’s lives and the advertisement from magazines & TV has filled this vacuum. Our Society has depicted “Men” to simply be boys who can smoke, assholes, adulterers, someone who has a lot of girls and power hungry.

There is no greater model of manhood than Jesus. He walked in Humility, He was a leader and also a servant. True manhood is displayed when we freely and selflessly sacrifice for the unworthy.Jesus did experience temptations, but resisted every temptation and never sinned (Hebrews 4:15).. A man exhibits manhood when he practices self-control of his body, his thoughts and his words. Real men deny their carnal pleasures for true joy in Jesus.

Sadly, a lot of boys are living a life away from commitments, responsibilities and genuine relationships….But there is hope, We are seeing a generation of men who look up to Jesus and are taking the challenge to live as a real men and capable of making a difference.

But boys who look up to Jesus will surely face problems & persecution as they transition to manhood..

In 1 corinthians 10:13 notice the word “endure”. Why? because you are going to face problems/persecution but those problems are never meant to destroy you – They are meant to BUILD you up – to build you as a person & as a real man. The more God will use you the more you will experience pain & disappointments because God’s top priority in your life is not convenience, its your character.

Manhood starts when u stop conforming to the pattern of this world and with the renewing of your mind by staying away from the things that are considered “natural” & “accepable” in this world.

Men, Can you overcome Porn?Peer pressure?Sex?Pride? It depends on how you look at it. If you look at yourself you cant, but if you fix your eyes on Jesus the author & finisher of your faith he will surely help you overcome it.

Men, You don’t want to be feared, You want to be followed. And to be followed means to lead them to Christ – To be like Christ. A real man are tested in times of trials and suffering but we see them with faith, gentleness and leadership and in the midst of trials he kneels down, cries out to God and pray.

When does a Boy become a Man? (Reflection from Youth Camp)