August Sectoral Church Extension Fellowship : A Biblical Response on the Covid Vaccine, Biomicrochipping, and the Antichrist

In our current time, we are not just plagued with a pandemic but also we are plagued with different opinions and different viewpoints with regards to COVID 19 and its candidate vaccines. The webinar held last Friday, August 21, 2020, was indeed enlightening as Pastor Jeff dismissed different sets of hearsay about the mysteries surrounding the now developing COVID19 vaccines. The webinar talked about the COVID19 candidate vaccines, bio microchips and the mark of the beast, and the Antichrist.

As a summary, the webinar proved enlightening information as it helped answer many questions and doubts that we Christians have, in particular to the possible vaccines for COVID19. And as a reminder, do not believe everything that we read, many are there to lead us astray.

Guard your hearts and your minds as there will be a lot of people that will try to deceive us.


Sharing the Zoom recording.

August Sectoral Church Extension Fellowship : A Biblical Response on the Covid Vaccine, Biomicrochipping, and the Antichrist