You Miss The Point

By: Rev.Dr. Jeffrey T. Jo

As early as 3 years old a Jewish child is already trained to read & appreciate the Torah.

When he reach the age of 9 to 12, he is expected to read & comprehend well much of it. As soon as he reach 13, it is expected from him to practice the Torah & to know well the writings of the prophets.

Those who become experts in this are vouched to become pharisees.

That’s why when Jesus spoke to them he said, ”You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me”(John 5:39).

God has given to us the scriptures not just for it’s historical & archaeological value but to know Jesus CHRIST, His only SON.

The work of God is to CONFRONT us with the identity of Christ, who He is, that He lived a perfect life that we cant, that He died the death that we deserve to die for the life that we do live that shouldn’t.

The Spirit also confronts us with our own identity to show us that we direly need of Jesus, God’s offering for our sins & our only propitiation before the Holy God. Read the Bible.

Know CHRIST Who alone is the source of forgiveness, peace & salvation.

I remembered you in prayer today.

You Miss The Point